
Oh look at that...

Well I must say I suprised at how much diffrence the white balance setting on a cammera can make! Take a look at these....
 Fluorescent 1
 Fluresent 2

Nothing was changed in these photos other then the white balance setting! Kinda makes me think I should try out all the other settings! Instruction manual here I come, then off to photo editing. I will get better pics, I will, I will, I will!


  1. I think it looks really pretty to have them all, it would make a great picture if you collaged them all together :)

  2. wow - what a difference. i was going to play with the WB in my camera too, now i definately will!

  3. that is pretty interesting!! i knew wb can make a difference but i didn't realize the differences were so vast! thanks for showing so many examples... it's very cool!
    luthien :)


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