
New Desk!

I had so much fun decorating my new bureau that I decided to have a quick peek into the second hand furniture shop.... just to see what they had, with no intention of buying any thing! When I stumbled upon this little beauty.... 

I fell in love instantly and as it was the managers special and had 25% off I decided it was my lucky day and I really must buy it! 
I decided I wanted it to be in the same style as the bureau so I brought the wonderful key handles and set to work painting while eagerly awaiting their arrival, only to stumble upon a dilemma....
My other half's drill was left at his sisters new house and would be for some time and I only had a dremel type flexy thingy which only fitted the very smallest drill bits, buying a new drill just to drill two holes was not an option (storage space is very limited) so what to do? 
First I drilled the biggest holes I could with what I had, they were about 2mm wide and needed to be about 6mm, so my creative thinking cap on I decide I can use my round file and make the holes bigger! Erm no, that did not work and would take about a million years, so be patient and wait for the return of the drill or on to plan B? (serious furniture restorers please look away now)! ....

Using a pair of very sharp scissors and a lack of regard for any of the health and safety rules I have learnt over the years I set at the draws like a mad woman, but it got the job done....

and now I love it even more and it is the perfect fit for my jewellery making corner (Sorry about the awful photos but it's winter here in England and sunlight is a long forgoten thing, seriously it's 8am here and it's still dark outside)!

Yep, I love it!!!!

Have a wonderful day lovely people x

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