
We got snow!

Well we got snow! This was my lovely new home first thing this morning....

It started off reaily light but by the time I had to go and collect the boy and girl from the bus stop (school finished eairly due to the snow) it was around 4 inches thick and I could not get the buggy through it, much to mess makers amusment! I had to carry the buggy to the main road where luckly the snow was not setteling!

One thing I did learn this morning.... Snow and ADHD do not mix well! All the excitment sent the boy loopy! This pic was taken seconds before he feel flat on his back for the second time! Ahhh well at least they enjoyed it and did not moan about being cold. xxx

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful house you have!! Ohh yes ADHD + Snow does NOT mix well. hehe. The second I see snow I have to play in it. =)

    Found you from Novelista Barista! Your jewelry is so pretty! I'll follow! =) HI!

    Melanie's Randomness


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